Greeting cards
Personal project Designed an assortment of personal screen- and commercial-printed greeting cards
Posters & Signage
Client: Bryant Elementary School Created event posters along with handbills, stickers and digital collateral to promote community events.
Mondavi Center December 2015
Client: Mondavi Center for the Arts, University of California, Davis Created and maintained the design for their programs, distributed at...
ACT Theatre October 2015
Client: ACT Theatre, Seattle Designed and managed ACT’s programs for all their in-house productions. Worked with their boilerplate elements (cast profiles,...
Broadway Center for the Performing Arts Fall 2015
Client: Broadway Center for the Performing Arts, Tacoma Managed and produced the quarterly publication distributed at all Broadway Center performances...
Downtown Bellevue Fall 2015
Client: Downtown Bellevue Association Designed and produced the quarterly direct-mail and retail-distributed publication. Selected art and created cover and all interior...