Pinhole Camera
My good SLR and various other digital and film cameras were stolen a few years ago, and while I could have replaced them with insurance money, they hadn’t actually been used in a while and I opted to just not. Instead I’ve built a few novelty film cameras from kits and even put film in them and taken a few shots. But I’ve had zero rolls developed. Apparently the cameras are more fun to build and tinker with than actually use, and I don’t actually want to take the time to find a place to actually develop film, and I know I’ll be disappointed with the poorly framed, over-/under-exposed shots anyway. I was given this pinhole camera kit a few months ago and it exposes onto instant film. So while, of course, I still have the same difficulty framing shots and determining exposure length, the result is pretty instant — by 1990s standards at least. My favorite subjects are human and animal, but the ones I know are pretty ill-suited to posing for long enough for the pinhole to do its work. But the images it produces are definitely a mood. And that it works at is actual magic.